Thursday 9 January 2014

Answer back to all the text I have had xxxx

Hi guys , I'm sorry I have not been blogging to much but I dont think you would read them if I was doing them every other day , but after so many days it funny because I start getting lots of text asking how I am and stuff , so I assume from that I prob should blog a little more often

Over the last week or so I have been struggling with the medication I have been on , when I came out from my nut cracking they gave me steroids to control the swelling around the operation and you are ment to be weened off them over a period of time , well it seams that the consultants do it quite often and try to get you off them too quick which causes come down side effects , like more aches and pains , wobbly legs, and general feeling of crappiness, so after speaking to a community macmillian nurse I have been allocated I have gone back on low dose for longer time and drop down slower.

I have also been struggling with pain in the areas of my secondaries which is normal as I am not on any active treatment. So I really have not been out of the house much and I have just cabbages on the settee in my pjs .

My mac nurse has been fab she has got stuff done for me and we are working to find the right pain killers to control my symptoms till treatment starts.

I have an appointment next week with a lovely man who is head of the radiology unit at the christie to discuss what I'm having to kill the cells in my head , from what I can gather it will be whole brain radiology rather than targeted therapy just to the area where it was , only side effect is lethargy and quite high tiredness . Not sure how many I will have it will be either 5 or 10 session everyday except weekends at the christie for poss around 3/5 mins each session , I think , but I know it's really short,
I may also get some radiology to the area under my arm as that is giving me grief most, radiology is very effective in shrinking area and taking pain away then chemo can stop it growing or wipe it out for a time completely.

So enough of  my medical condition

 We had a nice chilled Xmas and new year with family and now stuff getting back to normal , mike back at work and Olivia back at school.

Otherwise when I'm pain free , I feel good , I have had my nails done , I'm going to get my hair cut tomorrow and hope to get a style that covers my head scar but people I see tell me unless I show them they can't see it as it's really neat and my curly locks blends it's in ,

We also have a fab family weekend lined up in my favourite cityLiverpool this weekend , which includes a meal, two museums  to visit and an American style milkshake to scoff. Plus a trip to primarni I'm sure , much to mikes disgust lol

So do keep texting me but don't get to worried if I don't reply, I'm always on Facebook having a nosey, I will update once I know my treatment plan and how I'm doing on it.

Xxxxxxxxxxx live , love , laugh , xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Thanks for the update hun glad you had a nice xmas will keep txt u dont worry about not txt back its just nice to know u r ok xxxx big hugs to you all x love steph x

  2. Good to hear how things are going for you Sarah, I do look for your blogs to see how the fight is going and I have to say you are remarkable, hope they sort the pain out for you soon take care and look forward to hearing how you are kicking Cancers ass xxx
