Monday 29 October 2012


Wtf. I hear you ask........ Well I have not been totally honest with you guys, the reason for this is I had no idea how to tell you................
as I blogged I had a CT scan done at Leighton , the results were not good , I was told that I had secondary cancer of the liver, not sure if any of you know but secondary's are not curable , they can be kept at bay and they can be liveable but inevitably you will be living with a cancer that could flare up at any point and you have to start treatment again, these results were given to me by my Macmillan nurse at Leighton........... We were yet again totally devastated , all I could think of is Olivia is only 6 and 10 years of marriage is not long enough and how long do I have left with my family, anxiety rose it bloody ugly head again, we were back at square one , I was not allowed to go on the trial and I did not know what treatment I was to have.
i was not telling Olivia ...........
as it happens my oncologist (big boss) had not seen the scan and the day after I got a call from my nurse saying, in not so many words , that the oncologist is not happy with that diagnosis and may be i should not have been told before she had seen it and that she wants to do an MRI as the christie with her team and with people that know what they are looking at as that is what they do every day.......
mike and I spent the next week till my MRI going through all scenarios , did they get it wrong, is it so big that it need major treatment,
so on the Friday just gone , I had my MRI, back to waiting again for the results..
trying to put it at the back of my mind and crossing everything I could possibly have they have it wrong,
we tried to carry on as normal for Olivia
well today I have had a call , do I want to go back on the trial ,
and what Leighton saw we're blood vessels NOT cancer
who would have thought blood vessels in my liver !

like is said in my title
there is now a light at the end of the tunnel again
so I start my chemo and trial on the 2nd November
I WILL BEAT THIS Wiht the help of my family and friends
massive tigger day, I'm now ready to go out on the piss on Saturday night xxxxxxxx

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