Saturday 22 December 2012

funnies from yesterday i forget to add

Chemo brain :

when i went in to see the doc , he tries to measure my lump so obviously this entails the manhandling of my boob , so he is is apologising about squidging it around then he says well its not a bad job hahahahahaha the nurse nearly died and me being me i laughed and said "bet it is " hahaha mike is looking at the wall by now hahahahahahahaah

back in the waiting room and another Jessie walks in , a bit older than me , but mine is better (hope she does not read this ooppp and sorry lol) i took a sneaky pic

then during my chemo (well before it started) and when I'm having my moment , when i whip my wig of because in having a hot sweat , i gave it to mike , he did not know what to do with it , he did not want to hold it as its like a rat and made him feel odd, he did not want to put it in my bag just in case it got scruffy and he did not want to put it on the table as it looked funny so he hung it on the back of the chair lol bless

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