Friday 9 November 2012

FEC it's Friday

I'm now back after my first successful round of chemo ( called fec) in my Jammies and being waited on by my lovely husband.

Well all I can say is it went smoothly and I have had no issues with this set of drugs, so I am now on the fight to battle this ,

I did get another chemo bag from Naomi but I am not able to put that on here this time , there may be children reading , but I did get a fab bag this time that I will use to carry my iPad in.

I love all your messages and I am overwhelmed with the response on this blog, today it has hit over 1000  views and has gone global as I link it to the bottom of my posts on the Macmillan site and the breast cancer care pages
So still feel free to post it anywhere you like , to get the word out there.

So for the next week I'm not sure what its going to throw at me , and how I'm going to deal with it , all I know is that I'm on my journey and glad you all have my back .


  1. glad it went well SIS, one done. stay strong and enjoy being waited on! xxx

  2. Great news :D Hope it carries on like this awesome lady xxx
